Monday, June 15, 2009

Wheel of Fortune

My 3 year old loves watching Wheel of Fortune. He gets excited when a contestant chooses a "C" since that's the letter his name begins with. I don't remember when it started, but every time Pat says it's time for a toss-up and the music begins, my son starts yelling, "Fartknocker!"

It is quite funny most of the time. My parents thought it was hilarious the first time my son said it at their house while watching Wheel. They asked where he’d heard it. I had to tell them he picked it up from his biggest role model. My "watched way too much Beavis and Butthead in the 90's" husband taught him to say it. I'm proud to say this is one word he did not learn from me.

It is cute and funny for now and in the privacy of our own home. The only fear I have is that one day, when Pat and Vanna are hosting the show in their 70's, my son will make it on during College Week only to yell out "Fartknocker" at the first toss-up.

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