Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kiss Me If You Want To Feel...

So this morning as soon as my husband kissed me good-bye, I felt something on my face about the exact time he said, "What is that?"

Any answer to that question could not have been good. What was bulging out of my face and was so gigantic that even my husband felt it? What else? A zit!

If we both felt it, you know that's one huge zit. Have you ever in your life not noticed a zit until someone kissed you and found it themselves first? How disgusting is that?

I don't get them very often, but I hate zits. Zits rate right up there with boogers on top of my list of bodily blobs I could live without. Yes, just in case you're wondering, I have a list of bodily blobs. And I became aware a long time ago that the more children I have, the longer that list grows.

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