Monday, June 22, 2009

Losing More Than My Mind

I wonder if it's because I'm getting older or because my kids suck all of the memory from my brain, but strange things have been happening. When I was pregnant with both of the boys, I had some severe forgetful preggo moments. But this is getting ridiculous. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

I lost the remote again today. This is an ongoing problem at our house. My husband always gives me a hard time about it since I lose it quite often. For some reason, it usually just disappears into thin air after I've touched it. I looked for it all afternoon and finally found it lodged in the recliner, where I had already looked at least a dozen times.

Earlier this morning, after nuking some frozen Jimmy Dean sausage links for my little pork lovers, I forgot to put the bag of pig back in the freezer. It only took me a couple of hours to notice. A little more of my mind gone.

Just a couple of weeks ago, after getting some ice cream, I put the carton into the refrigerator. My husband found it after it had been thawing for some time and put it back into the freezer to bring it back to life.

I walk from one room to the other with a plan in my mind. Once I get to that other room, I've usually forgotten why I'm in there in the first place.

What is happening to me? Am I really that old? Is it just the constant chaos caused by little boys? Can I get a brain transplant? What on earth will I lose next? What was I writing about?

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