Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gonna Burn My Bras

I have not had any teeth near my boobs for 5 days!

Celebrate good times, come on!

Baby Jaws is officially, officially weaned from me. Our next hurdle is getting him off his bottle of milk he still likes to drink a couple times a day. He's going a little slower than Big Brother did, which I'm glad. Baby Jaws was down to nursing just a couple times a day over the past couple weeks, which gave my boobs the chance to slow down themselves. Big Brother, on the other hand, quit cold turkey a week before his 1st birthday and traumatized my poor boobs. I felt like I was walking around with a couple of weather balloons on my chest spewing out more liquid per second than Niagara Falls.

Today was the first time I didn't wear nursing pads in over a year. Just to be daring, I went out in public. I didn't spring a leak. Those days are now behind me. I feel so free. I'm now looking forward to shopping for real bras and getting rid of these contraptions I've had to use the past year to keep my milk bombs contained. It's a celebration!

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