Thursday, June 18, 2009


You may find this disturbing. I find this picture hilarious, which may lead you to believe I'm a little disturbed myself.

Yesterday, we hauled out our wonderful plastic blue kiddie pool that Big Brother doesn't even fit into anymore. Baby Jaws just hates the thing, which is surprising since he will take an hour long bath. I guess a cold bath outdoors is unacceptable to him though.

Big Brother carried his bucket o' bath toys outside to dump into the pool. There were boats and balls and fish. Then there were Ernie and Elmo. Ernie and Elmo came to us in a big ship as a 1st birthday present for Big Brother. Whenever it is bath time or pool time, Ernie and Elmo are there.

I regret to inform you that yesterday, Elmo met his demise. After a couple hours of playing in the pool and then mud, I looked over to see a horrific sight. Elmo was floating face down in a giant sea of abandoned plastic boats.

At this time, we are awaiting autopsy results and a call back from Dateline. They seem to get the bottom of these 'lost at sea' mysteries quite often. I'm not sure if his boat capsized in a storm of little boy splashing. Maybe Elmo lost his footing and slipped. Perhaps Ernie pushed him overboard. Ernie was overheard saying he was tired of hearing "La la la la". We have come to the realization that we may never know the truth.

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