Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You're Awesome My Sweet Guy

My husband got up at 4 a.m. this morning to drive this 1929 Model A Panel Delivery Truck that he restored to Wichita, Kansas. It's his first completed restoration and I'm proud of him. It looks great and runs great. The boys and I went to the shop yesterday to take pictures before it left. Big Brother and I even went for a ride in it. We went back again in the afternoon to watch them load it on the trailer for it's long ride home.

I must say I'm going to miss seeing that truck at the shop. I just think it's cute and my husband did an awesome job on it. He won't be missing it as much. He's ready to move onto the next one three. I can't wait to see those when they are finished too. You are awesome my sweet guy!

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