Thursday, October 15, 2009

Couch Find

I cleaned under our couch the other day. Like I've said before, I'm not big on spotlessness. But even I was surprised at what I found underneath our big green monster. At first glance, I thought it was blood. As I bent down for a closer look, I found it was a bleeding Skittle. I knew this because I could still see the faint 'S' on the almost melted circle.

Disgusting? Yes. Interesting? Definitely. I never knew a Skittle could bleed.

The only thing that scares me is I can't remember the last time we had Skittles in this house. I don't know how long that little guy was living in our couch before he fell to the floor to his death.

I know what you're thinking. June Cleaver would never find a dead Skittle under her couch. Whatever.

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