Monday, October 12, 2009

Holiday Smoliday

I am ticked off with Christopher Columbus today. I don't have much respect anyway for someone who discovered a land that was already inhabited and then thought he was all that and a bag of chips. Of course I don't know what Christopher Columbus actually thought of himself, but I think he would fit in nicely today with all the people in the world who take credit for things that others have already accomplished. And don't get me started about the Columbus Day Controversy. I myself don't see what the big deal is and don't believe he discovered anything.

But here is why I'm ticked at Christopher Columbus. I live in a state that actually observes this insane holiday. I drove 90% of the way to the DMV this morning to renew my expired driver's license (no I don't do anything in advance) and then it hit me. It is freakin Columbus Day. I knew this. I know this every year because it's always the same week as my birthday. But I drove, having a million other things on my mind.

So Mr. Columbus, you have found one more way to irritate me. So help me, if I get pulled over and get a ticket for driving with an expired license, I'm blaming you. Just a little heads up for you bud.

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