Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are You Dissing Me?

I was totally dissed by the Dollar Tree cashier this morning. Baby Jaws and I ran in to pick up a couple of things and ended up hauling out about $8 worth. Hey, it's better than $80. Anyway as we were checking out, the cashier began this spiel about helping cats. This is what I heard while digging for my cash:

"We are partnering with a cat sanctuary to save the cats. Cats gets lost. Cats get dumped. Cats get hit by buses, get injured, break their little cat legs and have to wear little cat casts for weeks in order to heal. Their little cat buddies get hit by dump trucks, break their front paws and can no longer hold a pen to sign the first cat's cast. These cats are hungry, lonely and don't have a friend in the world. Would you like to donate some money to help them?"

(Seriously, that's what I heard.) thank you.

I'm not cat hating. I do like cats, but I am a dog person; always have been, always will be. It's not that I couldn't bear to part with a buck, but if I'm going to donate money to help somewhere, I'd rather help people than stuck up cats.

It irritates me how some people place animals on a pedestal. I think PETA is nuts. I love my dog (who still lives with my mom and dad) but if he needed a heart transplant, I'm sorry. He's just going to have to kick it. He's a dog.

Anyway, I must have offended the cat loving Dollar Tree cashier. Or maybe she was just mad at me because I let her go through her big spiel on cats before I said no. But after I said no, she didn't speak to me again. She didn't tell me my total. She didn't say "thank you". Nothing. Nada. Didn't even look me in the eye. She totally dissed me and now I'm probably on her list of cat haters.

If that's the worst I'm called this week, I'll take it.

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