Monday, October 5, 2009

I Am Not Stacy

That's right, crazy woman who called my house at 1 a.m. Sunday morning. I am not Stacy. And here's a little hint: if you are calling my house at 1 a.m. looking for Stacy and get the answering machine the first time, don't call back two minutes later.

Yep, the crazy woman called twice at 1 a.m., but I answered the second call and yelled at her. Maybe I am a little like Roseanne, like my husband claims, but that's another story.

I like my sleep. I'm very crabby when I don't get enough sleep. I'm very crabby when I'm awakened out of my sleep for no good reason. Good reasons include one of my children crying or perhaps I just have to pee. Your phone call was NOT a good reason for me to jump my butt out of my warm comfy bed while freaking out because "Why is someone calling me at 1 a.m.?! It can't be good!"

You should be thankful you didn't wake up one of my children because I have your number on my caller ID and I'm not afraid to use it. Yes, crazy woman, I'm the type of person who would set my alarm, wake up at 3 a.m. and call your house just to get you back. That's just how I roll. Buh-bye now!

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