Thursday, September 3, 2009

So Far

So far this morning, because of my second born, I have cleaned up the following:

Half a bag of goldfish crackers that he first poured out of the bag and into a bowl. We were so proud of him for hitting the bowl until he dumped it onto the floor, drove Lightning McQueen through the crunchy mess about 20 times all while scooting through it on his butt and dragging dead goldfish everywhere. Once again, I am thankful for hardwood floors.

A puddle in the bathroom. While I was blow drying my hair, Baby Jaws decided to come in and dig through the bath toys where he found a ball full of water and squeezed it all out onto the floor and scooted through it once again which made the goldfish remaining on his butt all soggy.

A poopy diaper.

A snotty, boogery nose.

Granola bar out of his hair, off the floor, off the rug, off the couch.

A pile of everyone's shoes that he tried to put on his little feet.

And I see my next clean up job. He is now sitting in and throwing a pile of groceries I had bagged up and ready to give away.

This has become my outlook on life though with two little boys: as long as no one is screaming or in danger, I really don't care what kind of mess is made.

A box of markers. While I was typing my outlook on life, Baby Jaws wondered off and was being very quiet. I found him with a box of markers dumped on the floor. Thank goodness he didn't get the lids off. I know my list is not going to end today and Baby Jaws is being very quiet again so I'm off to clean up another mess.

A bag of wood chips for the grill sitting by the back door. I don't even know how that child got to them. I can see this is going to be the day of the never ending mess.

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