Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just My Two Cents

I received my first comment on my blog over the weekend. I was so excited! I don't know who left it though, because they did it anonymously. Apparently, they didn't like my Jabba the Butt post.

I really don't think a friend or family member left it because I think they know me well enough to realize I am joking. And a friend or family member would also know the answer to the question left in the comment.
If it was left by someone I know, I hope you don't think any less of me for joking about my life. With Jabba the Butt being a part of my life, it makes putting up with her a little easier. If it was left by a stranger, I couldn't care less. If you don't want to read about my life, feel free to not visit.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have another email to reply to from a new found friend with a fortune to share with me.

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