Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gonna Be Rich

I'm so excited! I have a new found friend, a bank manager from the Ivory Coast, who is willing to share some large sums of money that he has been taking care of for his late customer who apparently met his demise in a plane crash off the coast of Abidjan. How sad!

So this dead guy has no next of kin on the entire face of the earth and I am next in line. I told you this was exciting! My new friend is going to send me the remaining $12,500,000.00 that was left in dead guy's account. Whoa baby! I'm so excited, I'm about to pee my pants! But I have to go for now.

I need to email my new friend immediately and give him my full name, address, telephone number, fax number, cell phone number, date of birth, social security number, name of my kindergarten teacher, name of my first parakeet, shoe size, bra size, date of my last period, date I last ate cheese, a list of my top five favorite movies, date I last cut my toenails, my last three employers, date I last threw up and drivers license number.

Oh gosh! I didn't think it could get any better! I received another email and I've won a British Lottery. Crap, I'm gonna be rich!

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