Monday, September 7, 2009

PETA, Pita

With four kids, there is bound to be a misunderstanding daily at our house, usually more often than that. This weekend while the girls were over, we were talking about fish. We love fish. We love to go fishing and love eating what we catch. We love it fried, baked, grilled...just about any way you can prepare fish, we'll eat it. My oldest step-daughter, Little Miss Priss, told us she didn't like fish anymore. She used to like fish and would eat it all the time. Apparently, becoming a teenager changes a lot of things.

So my husband jokingly asked her, "You're not going to be one of those PETA people who never eat any animals are you?" to which her younger and confused sister, Little Miss Happy Go Lucky, replied, "We love pitas. Mom fixes them for us all the time."

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