Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm just going to throw this out here before anyone hears it from my husband. Yesterday afternoon, I hit rock bottom.

I will be the first to admit, I'm a tad bit addicted to Facebook. I joined this past spring since all my friends were doing it; nothing like peer pressure in your 30's. I actually signed up one day and forgot about it. Then, my only friend on Facebook at the time, started writing on my wall and teasing that she was my only friend. She teased me about having no pictures. I was just a faceless person with only one friend.

It didn't take long for that to change. I posted pictures, added friends and became an addict. My husband made fun of me for being on Facebook so much. It does have it's pros and cons. I think it's awesome that I have found old friends, many I haven't seen or talked to since high school. I have a few friends on Facebook I went to school with from kindergarten until we graduated high school. Come on, that's pretty cool! I have friends on Facebook I see every week at church and I have family on Facebook. My brother and my nephew and his wife live far enough away that I don't get to see them that often. So seeing them on Facebook is great.

Just this weekend, I got to see pictures of my 'first friend's' new baby girl just a day after she was born. It's exciting to see the updates of friends' lives and to see their families now. I love seeing pictures of my great-niece, otherwise known as the cutest little girl in the world. I love reading my nieces' posts because those two are just a hoot!

So after my husband made fun of me for a week or two and signed up on Facebook himself, he too became addicted because he started playing games. At first it was the car racing game, Overdrive. He kept inviting me to play it. Finally, I gave in and became addicted to Overdrive too.

A few weeks later, he began playing Farmville. Every time I would see him planting his crops, I would make fun of him and tell him how dorky that game looked. He kept telling me to try it and I'd probably like it...so began my downfall.

I am freakin addicted to Farmville! I have this cute little farmer chick in her cute little pigtails and cute little overalls. Wish I was that cute! Oh, and she's such a great farmer. She has so many animals that she takes such good care of. She harvests her crops at just the right time. She has a tractor, a harvester, a workshop and a tool shed. Rumor has it that she has been to another farmer's tool shed on more than one occasion (just a dirty little joke my wonderful husband started).

So I'm already such a sad soul, checking on my farm when the boys are napping and after they go to sleep each night. Big Brother even likes to help me run the tractor if I check on the farm while he's around. It took me a long time to catch up to my husband and I'm now on a higher level than he is. Woo hoo! I even got into a little race (all in my head) with one of my friends. I would sign onto my Farmville, only to find she had passed me (you know who you are) and would try to plant more crops just to catch up. My husband would tell me, "It's not a race," and I would snap back, "But she passed me again!" Addicted! She has since passed me and I've given up trying to catch up.

But yesterday afternoon, I hit rock bottom. Big Brother was playing outside with Big Sisters and Daddy. Baby Jaws was taking a nap. It seemed like the perfect time for me to harvest some crops. So I tried to go to Facebook. Didn't happen. It wouldn't log on. I checked our connection, modem, router, everything. It told me to contact our internet service provider. What?! On a holiday?! Would there even be anyone there?!

My husband finally got through to a technician who told him there was a very widespread internet outage. They had no idea what had caused it, but were working on it. He told us to try to log back on in a couple of hours. I was crushed when my husband told me this and here is where I hit rock bottom. Here is where I was completely pathetic. I actually said, (yes, these words actually came out of my mouth),

"Are you kidding me? My crops are going to wither away!"


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