Saturday, September 5, 2009

I Love Coupons

Here's my great deal of the day I got for free: six Dove body washes originally $4 a piece. I got them today at Dollar General for free. They were all on clearance for $2 a piece and I had six $2 off coupons. The cashier was impressed that I got them all for free and another employee kept asking me if this stuff was really that good since I was buying so many. I tried to explain I was just getting this many because I had coupons for them.
I probably won't use all six, but will give some away. That's another plus to my crazy couponing. When I can get anything really cheap or free, whether it be groceries or health/beauty products, I usually always get it. Even if my family doesn't use it or even like it, I can always give it away to someone who might really need it and enjoy it.

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