Monday, November 9, 2009

Seriously...More Puke

I wish I was kidding. Just a couple of hours ago, I was thinking of blogging about how I haven't had to deal with any puke in a few days. Again, I wish I was kidding. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, Baby Jaws puked on the carpet in his bedroom. After hosing him off in the tub and putting clean pj's on him, he puked on the living room floor (so thankful for hardwood floors). My husband carried him into the bathroom where he puked all over the floor, the sink and the toilet. After another bath and another pair of clean pj's, he sat on my lap for an hour, puking into a towel about every 20 minutes. He is finally sleeping with towels lining the floor around his crib. We are not cleaning any more puke out of carpet (so thankful for the wet/dry shop vac too).

It never ceases to amaze me how my little puking machines always derail my plans. I accomplished nothing on my to-do list tonight except for rocking my baby, which is probably the only thing I really needed to accomplish in the first place.

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