Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pukefest 2009 Continues

Just how much can one child puke in a week?

After picking Big Brother up from preschool today, we went to meet my husband for lunch where he did an awful thing. He filled Big Brother's cup up with fruit punch. It doesn't matter how many times Big Brother drinks fruit punch or how much he drinks, 90% of the time, he pukes. It's just too sugary for the little guy.

So after we ate, we went up to my husband's shop to see the car he was working on. As we were leaving the shop, Big Brother needed to be in the bathroom...NOW! Baby Jaws and I were waiting in the truck thinking they'd be right out after a little #2. Next thing I knew, my husband came out to tell me Big Brother had puked all over himself and the bathroom in his shop. I went back into the shop to clean him and the bathroom up. My husband is a lucky man. He's lucky I can stomach puke better than he can.

Like I've said before, not a day goes by I don't come face to face with poop or puke. I must say I'm very thankful that Big Brother's teacher makes him keep an extra change of clothes in his backpack. It came in quite handy today. I'm also thankful Big Brother puked in the shop and not in my new ride. It was my lucky day!

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