Monday, November 30, 2009

Never Again

I hate Black Friday! But I must confess. I am no longer a Black Friday virgin.

My wonderful husband had a bright idea; an idea I should not have gone along with. He thought we could get up Friday morning, run to Walmart and be back in time to be in the woods before sunrise. I turned completely stupid when I said, "Ok. Why not?"

Why not? Here are my why nots:

I am not a morning person.

I am not a patient person.

I hate shopping at the same time as other idiots. Black Friday=swarms of idiots.

I swear my blood pressure went up as soon as we pulled into the parking lot.

As we walked into the front doors at 5:10 a.m., I'm pretty sure I had steam coming out of my ears when we saw people packed from the checkout lanes to the back of the store in one gigantic line that no one would even think about letting us excuse our way through.

Walking through the store made my IQ drop a few points.

Not even seeing the toy I wanted for Big Brother was annoying. Not even seeing it in any one's cart was even more annoying. I'm sure the Walmart I went to was the only one on earth that didn't receive that toy shipment.

Almost getting attacked by Walmart employees because I walked underneath one of their ropes while trying to leave was enough to make me go ballistic.

Telling the Walmart employees that I just wanted the crap out of there was priceless.

So anyway, we were there maybe 10 minutes and it was enough to make me NEVER do it again.


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