Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Black Friday

As much as I love deals, I am not a Black Friday fan. I've never woken up early to be at a store by 5 a.m. I don't think you could even pay me to do it. I am not a morning person and people irritate me anyway. People pushing and fighting over stuff at 5 a.m. would really irritate me. And so help me, if I ever saw a kid wearing shoes with wheels on Black Friday, I think my head would explode.

My husband has been out on Black Friday the past couple of years. The first year, he went to Bass Pro (big surprise) to buy himself something. Last year, he went to Walmart to buy Big Brother a cheap Leapster, which he still loves playing with.

This year, we're going hunting around 5 a.m. I can't wait! There are a couple of things I would like to pick up for Big Brother and Baby Jaws on Friday. After sitting out in the woods awhile, if I can get to the store before 11 a.m. when the sales are over and if I can even find the things I'm looking for, I will be happy. If not, I don't really care. It's just stuff. Stuff that my boys would be happy with, but then again, they're still enjoying the dishwasher box.

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