Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stop Yelling at Me

My husband never yells. I'm the one who yells in this family. But tonight I heard him yelling, "Use a little elbow grease!" I thought, why on earth is he yelling that? And is he yelling that at me? I'm in the bathroom. I'm not in the kitchen cleaning up pots and pans like June Cleaver. He can't be yelling at me.

A few minutes later I heard him yelling, "Backstage pass!" I finally realized he was yelling at the tv, more specifically Wheel of Fortune.

I was a bit confused because on a normal night he would have yelled, "Use a little elbow grease you moron!" I guess he was trying to be nice tonight. I wish he would have added the 'moron' tonight then I would have immediately known he was yelling at a clueless contestant instead of thinking he was yelling strange demands at me.

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