Monday, August 10, 2009

Oh Boy

My boys are little, but the testosterone is already rampant in this house and it makes me wonder how on earth I will ever make it as they grow older.

Now that Big Brother is four, he really thinks that he is big stuff. His new favorite thing is taking showers. He's had a few showers in the past, but loves his bath time. Since his birthday though, he has been addicted to the shower. Every night he tells us, "I can start the shower by myself. I'm four."

The other night, he turned the water on and got into the shower all by himself. I was about to help him wash his hair when he told me, "Daddy says I can pee in here. See?" Then he proceeded to pee in the shower.

I'm really hoping that as the boys get older, they won't share with me the things that Daddy tells them. I'm sure I won't even want to know. If it's a guy thing, it needs to stay between the guys.

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