Monday, August 24, 2009

The Bribe

Big Brother is still amazed with preschool. He's so cute when I walk him in every morning as he just stares at everybody and everything. It's as if he can't believe he's there or he thinks it's not real. But I guess even 4 year olds can have a bad Monday morning. When I picked Big Brother up from preschool this morning I asked, "What special class did you have today?"


"What did you do in art?"

"I cried."

I was shocked.

"Why did you cry?"

"I just wanted you."

It was sweet. Then I did what any good mom would do. I bribed him and told him if he's a big boy and doesn't cry at school for the rest of the week, he can get the Cars mini forklift he was begging Daddy for yesterday while they were out shopping. Hey, it's just a little $3 incentive. It's not like I'm not promising him a pony. Yeah, I'm still a great mom.

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