Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Am I Crazy

I don't like taking medicine for anything, even a headache. I try to grin and bear it through just about everything unless I just can't take it anymore. (Just a side note that will already make me sound like a liar: I do love me some NyQuil when I have a serious cold!)

I just started a new pack of birth control pills last month after breastfeeding for a year. It just so happened that I started the pack the day after we returned from vacation. That week, I was completely exhausted and thought it had to be jet lag (truck lag in our case) from vacation.

I felt a little better by the second week, but by the third week into the pack, I was completely exhausted again. I would even nap with the boys during the day. I was beginning to wonder if I was pregnant since I was so tired. Finally, my lovely Aunt Flow came to visit last Tuesday and has yet to leave. Eight days of mega mood! I have been crying at everything! I've cried over the Cars movie. I burst into tears when I thought Baby Jaws had pooped his diaper for the fifth time in one day. I cry when my husband looks at me. I feel like a complete nut job!

After waking up this morning and feeling like I hadn't slept in two weeks, I had had enough and called my doctor to complain. The nurse told me to try to finish the pack and see if it got better. Duh, ok. Then I did what I do best; I got online and googled my pill after waking from yet another two hour nap.

Oh, the crap I found about my pill! This pill has made many, many women feel crazy, moody, depressed, exhausted and the list goes on. Of course I read the list of side effects when I first started the pills, but never thought it would be this extreme.

I'm crabby by nature, but this has made me insanely crabby (just ask my husband) for the past month. I told him today I'm not taking another one of these pills. He said that was fine with him. So, tomorrow my favorite OB/GYN will be getting another call from me. I'm going on a pill strike unless there is one that doesn't make me feel like a crazy crab. I don't like pills. I truly believe a lot of medicine does more harm than good, but that's just me. It especially does more harm when it's jacking with my hormones.

So tomorrow is a new day. A new pill-free day. Hopefully, I'll find a pill that works. If not, we'll just take our chances. I feel better at 9 months pregnant than I have felt for the past month and feel like a big dummy for not listening to my body.

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