Thursday, August 27, 2009


I'll try to be nice and won't go into any details about my husband's ex-wife because believe me, I could write a novel or seven about the moronic things she has done and said. All I will tell you is we have a nickname for her and I'll admit, I came up with it. (It's much nicer than my husband's nickname for her.) We call her Jabba the Butt. I even have 'Jabba' in my cell phone next to her number.

I know in my first post on this blog, I said I was pro-mom. I am not pro-Jabba. It drives me insane that Jabba is the be all end all of everything my step-daughters, Little Miss Priss and Little Miss Happy Go Lucky, believe. It seems every week, there is yet another fiasco that has occurred in their household. Sometimes these fiascoes are quite entertaining and other times, they just tick me off.

I just hope that as they grow older, they will see that their mother is not Master of the Universe. If she were, I'd be calling her He-Man (that would fit too). I hope they one day have a mind of their own instead of all this Jabba-thinking that has been instilled in their little heads. My biggest hope is that they eventually turn out to be just like their Dad and drive their mother insane. Little Miss Happy Go Lucky is well on her way. What a great payback that would be.

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