Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Open House

We went to Big Brother's first open house at school last night. He starts preschool tomorrow. I'm very excited for him and at the same time very sad. My little guy is growing up too fast. After I tuck him in each night, I always go back in his room to kiss him again and tell him 'Good-night, Mommy loves you' after he's asleep. But last night when I went back in, all I could do was cry.

It's not as if I'm sending him away to boarding school. He will only be gone three hours a day. My friend from church is going to be his preschool teacher, for which I'm very thankful. He is going to make new friends, learn so much and have such a great time. I know all of this and keep telling myself all of this, but tomorrow morning is absolutely going to break my heart because I will have to open my house and let him take off on his own for the first time.

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