I had a very interesting weekend and because of it, I am posting more quotes.
"A keen sense of humor helps us to overlook the unbecoming, understand the unconventional, tolerate the unpleasant, overcome the unexpected and outlast the unbearable."
-Billy Graham
"A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs-jolted by every pebble in the road."
-Henry Ward Beecher
And because I have a sense of humor, I love this saying:
"Some people are like Slinkies-not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see them tumble down the stairs."
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
"If you wouldn't write it and sign it, don't say it."
-Earl Wilson
-Earl Wilson
Family Life
Friday, August 28, 2009
Five Quote Friday
"When you come to the fork in the road, take it."
-Yogi Berra
"Never be afraid to sit awhile and think."
-Lorraine Hansberry
"Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street."
-Elbert Hubbard
"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it."
-Henry Ford
"May you live all the days of your life."
-Jonathan Swift
-Yogi Berra
"Never be afraid to sit awhile and think."
-Lorraine Hansberry
"Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street."
-Elbert Hubbard
"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it."
-Henry Ford
"May you live all the days of your life."
-Jonathan Swift
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I'll try to be nice and won't go into any details about my husband's ex-wife because believe me, I could write a novel or seven about the moronic things she has done and said. All I will tell you is we have a nickname for her and I'll admit, I came up with it. (It's much nicer than my husband's nickname for her.) We call her Jabba the Butt. I even have 'Jabba' in my cell phone next to her number.
I know in my first post on this blog, I said I was pro-mom. I am not pro-Jabba. It drives me insane that Jabba is the be all end all of everything my step-daughters, Little Miss Priss and Little Miss Happy Go Lucky, believe. It seems every week, there is yet another fiasco that has occurred in their household. Sometimes these fiascoes are quite entertaining and other times, they just tick me off.
I just hope that as they grow older, they will see that their mother is not Master of the Universe. If she were, I'd be calling her He-Man (that would fit too). I hope they one day have a mind of their own instead of all this Jabba-thinking that has been instilled in their little heads. My biggest hope is that they eventually turn out to be just like their Dad and drive their mother insane. Little Miss Happy Go Lucky is well on her way. What a great payback that would be.
I know in my first post on this blog, I said I was pro-mom. I am not pro-Jabba. It drives me insane that Jabba is the be all end all of everything my step-daughters, Little Miss Priss and Little Miss Happy Go Lucky, believe. It seems every week, there is yet another fiasco that has occurred in their household. Sometimes these fiascoes are quite entertaining and other times, they just tick me off.
I just hope that as they grow older, they will see that their mother is not Master of the Universe. If she were, I'd be calling her He-Man (that would fit too). I hope they one day have a mind of their own instead of all this Jabba-thinking that has been instilled in their little heads. My biggest hope is that they eventually turn out to be just like their Dad and drive their mother insane. Little Miss Happy Go Lucky is well on her way. What a great payback that would be.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My Boys and Their Hats
Coupon Binder
Coupon Binder Giveaway
Any of you that have read about my crazy couponing, this give away is for you. It is posted on one of the blogs I follow, My Litter of Six.
I love this blog. I lose track of how many times I check it daily. She always posts great deals from the stores I visit most often. It is also one of the first places I find new printable coupons that are available. So if you get a chance, check it out for yourself and sign up to win.
Any of you that have read about my crazy couponing, this give away is for you. It is posted on one of the blogs I follow, My Litter of Six.
I love this blog. I lose track of how many times I check it daily. She always posts great deals from the stores I visit most often. It is also one of the first places I find new printable coupons that are available. So if you get a chance, check it out for yourself and sign up to win.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A Change in Attitude
A not so funny thing happened to me today on the way to the mailbox. Big Brother and I both stepped in dog poop. Big Brother, not knowing he had poop on his shoes, tracked it all through our living room (thank goodness for hardwood floors). Saying I was not happy is an understatement. I called the city and complained (also an understatement). I threatened to scoop it up and go put it on my neighbor's porch. The mayor and police chief came to visit us and told me they'd warn the neighbors to watch their dog. They were both a hoot about it all and by then, so was I. As they were leaving, the police chief fell off our porch, but caught herself before busting her butt. It was quite an irritating and entertaining morning.
There's nothing like a little guy to change my attitude. I went to check on Baby Jaws after not hearing him for a few minutes and saw this. He was trying his best to get Big Brother's Lightning McQueen shoes on his feet. It put a smile on my face and made me forget about my irritating, poopy day.

There's nothing like a little guy to change my attitude. I went to check on Baby Jaws after not hearing him for a few minutes and saw this. He was trying his best to get Big Brother's Lightning McQueen shoes on his feet. It put a smile on my face and made me forget about my irritating, poopy day.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Bribe
Big Brother is still amazed with preschool. He's so cute when I walk him in every morning as he just stares at everybody and everything. It's as if he can't believe he's there or he thinks it's not real. But I guess even 4 year olds can have a bad Monday morning. When I picked Big Brother up from preschool this morning I asked, "What special class did you have today?"
"What did you do in art?"
"I cried."
I was shocked.
"Why did you cry?"
"I just wanted you."
It was sweet. Then I did what any good mom would do. I bribed him and told him if he's a big boy and doesn't cry at school for the rest of the week, he can get the Cars mini forklift he was begging Daddy for yesterday while they were out shopping. Hey, it's just a little $3 incentive. It's not like I'm not promising him a pony. Yeah, I'm still a great mom.
"What did you do in art?"
"I cried."
I was shocked.
"Why did you cry?"
"I just wanted you."
It was sweet. Then I did what any good mom would do. I bribed him and told him if he's a big boy and doesn't cry at school for the rest of the week, he can get the Cars mini forklift he was begging Daddy for yesterday while they were out shopping. Hey, it's just a little $3 incentive. It's not like I'm not promising him a pony. Yeah, I'm still a great mom.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Five Quote Friday
These sayings are from God's Little Instruction Book for Teachers.
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.
What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If the roots are deep and strong, the tree needn't worry about the wind.
The world wants your best but God wants your all.
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.
What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If the roots are deep and strong, the tree needn't worry about the wind.
The world wants your best but God wants your all.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
High Hopes
I could just see myself being able to accomplish so much more with only Baby Jaws to deal with. I would have three hours every morning free of arguing, free of toy fights, free of boys chasing each other through the house while screaming at the top of their lungs. I would have time to clean, do laundry and do paperwork. I would have a little extra time to do some things I wanted to do. I would have some one on one time with Baby Jaws. I have had plenty of one on one time, but not how I imagined.
All I have found time for is chasing Baby Jaws to pluck him out of whatever trouble he has gotten himself into. I don't remember Big Brother being quite this bad. Maybe he just seemed better because at the time, he was the only one. Maybe I just have amnesia from all the troublesome things he did when he was smaller.
But I have another theory. Baby Jaws is just like his Daddy. From his looks to his personality to the way he raises just one eyebrow when he looks at me (which drives me crazy because I can't do it), he is a little version of my husband. Because of this, I know this is where he gets his knack for getting into everything he's not supposed to be in and making messes. And just like his Daddy, when I get onto him, he just looks at me and laughs in my face. So I realize my high hopes are just hopes and nothing more.
I hope we have more toilet paper.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
First Day of Preschool
He was so excited this morning that he had his backpack on as soon as he finished breakfast. He walked in his room, put his backpack up and sat down in his seat like a little pro. He didn't care one bit that I was taking pictures of him through my teary eyes or that I was leaving. I am proud of him for being such a big boy on his first day of school.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Open House
We went to Big Brother's first open house at school last night. He starts preschool tomorrow. I'm very excited for him and at the same time very sad. My little guy is growing up too fast. After I tuck him in each night, I always go back in his room to kiss him again and tell him 'Good-night, Mommy loves you' after he's asleep. But last night when I went back in, all I could do was cry.
It's not as if I'm sending him away to boarding school. He will only be gone three hours a day. My friend from church is going to be his preschool teacher, for which I'm very thankful. He is going to make new friends, learn so much and have such a great time. I know all of this and keep telling myself all of this, but tomorrow morning is absolutely going to break my heart because I will have to open my house and let him take off on his own for the first time.
It's not as if I'm sending him away to boarding school. He will only be gone three hours a day. My friend from church is going to be his preschool teacher, for which I'm very thankful. He is going to make new friends, learn so much and have such a great time. I know all of this and keep telling myself all of this, but tomorrow morning is absolutely going to break my heart because I will have to open my house and let him take off on his own for the first time.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday night, our tv was left on with no one watching it. Now that I think about it, I don't know why that surprises me. Everyone was running in and out the front door dragging toys outside to play with while Supernanny was on in the background. You've got to love Supernanny. You've got to love how she magically turns little evil children into perfect angels within a few days while opening the eyes of their pushover parents.
I see kids all the time, at the grocery store or while eating out, acting like the kids on the previews. I'm always thinking, 'You could sure use some Supernanny up in your face.' I may not look at those kids in that way any longer. It made me wonder if Big Brother was trying to tell me I could use a little help when, while running back and forth, he caught a glimpse of the crying, screaming, red-faced little boy about his age on tv and said to me, "Hey, that looks like me."
He was right. It did look like him on any given day. Maybe we could use some Supernanny up in our faces.
I see kids all the time, at the grocery store or while eating out, acting like the kids on the previews. I'm always thinking, 'You could sure use some Supernanny up in your face.' I may not look at those kids in that way any longer. It made me wonder if Big Brother was trying to tell me I could use a little help when, while running back and forth, he caught a glimpse of the crying, screaming, red-faced little boy about his age on tv and said to me, "Hey, that looks like me."
He was right. It did look like him on any given day. Maybe we could use some Supernanny up in our faces.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Five Quote Friday
"What is right is often forgotten by what is convenient."
-Bodie Thoene
"Count no day lost in which you waited your turn, took only your share and sought advantage over no one."
-Robert Brault
"Always put off until tomorrow what you shouldn't do at all."
-Morris Mandel
"To do what others cannot do is talent. To do what talent cannot do is genius."
-Will Henry
"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."
-Ferdinand Foch
-Bodie Thoene
"Count no day lost in which you waited your turn, took only your share and sought advantage over no one."
-Robert Brault
"Always put off until tomorrow what you shouldn't do at all."
-Morris Mandel
"To do what others cannot do is talent. To do what talent cannot do is genius."
-Will Henry
"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."
-Ferdinand Foch
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Dear Mr. Grocery Bagger
I'm so glad you ask if I want paper or plastic. I'm so glad you're putting my groceries in bags for me. I'm so glad you're separating my groceries for me, unlike the cashiers at Walmart (I ended up with frozen bananas by the time I got home two nights ago). I'm so glad you offer to help me to my car.
I understand that you are just a teenage boy who has no idea of what shopping with small children is like. (By the way, I said a prayer for your future wife today.) But here's a little hint coming from a mom who, while grocery shopping for any amount of time with two head strong little boys, feels like I have just entered the gates of hell:
DO NOT under any circumstance EVER ask me if I would like you to load my groceries into a regular cart!
Do you see this ginormous blue cart I'm trying to maneuver through the checkout lane? The one with two steering wheels to keep my two boys somewhat happy while I try to hunt and gather. The Hummer of all grocery carts. The cart that actually beeps like a utility truck when I back it up. Do you see it?
Do you see Baby Jaws strapped into the big blue monster? Do you see my butt load of coupons and purse sitting in said cart? Do you see me, being the multi-tasker that I am, digging for my debit card while defending the debit machine from Baby Jaws to keep him from canceling my order while trying to keep Big Brother out of the packs of gum because for the 100th time, "We have gum at home!?"
Do you see any of this? Because I think if you did see it, you would know that no, I don't want to unload, load, then unload again my children or any of my other crap! But alas, you had the nerve to ask me anyway and I had to reply the only way I knew how: with my Mommy death look. I'm so glad you understood 'the look'. You must have a great mom.
I understand that you are just a teenage boy who has no idea of what shopping with small children is like. (By the way, I said a prayer for your future wife today.) But here's a little hint coming from a mom who, while grocery shopping for any amount of time with two head strong little boys, feels like I have just entered the gates of hell:
DO NOT under any circumstance EVER ask me if I would like you to load my groceries into a regular cart!
Do you see this ginormous blue cart I'm trying to maneuver through the checkout lane? The one with two steering wheels to keep my two boys somewhat happy while I try to hunt and gather. The Hummer of all grocery carts. The cart that actually beeps like a utility truck when I back it up. Do you see it?
Do you see Baby Jaws strapped into the big blue monster? Do you see my butt load of coupons and purse sitting in said cart? Do you see me, being the multi-tasker that I am, digging for my debit card while defending the debit machine from Baby Jaws to keep him from canceling my order while trying to keep Big Brother out of the packs of gum because for the 100th time, "We have gum at home!?"
Do you see any of this? Because I think if you did see it, you would know that no, I don't want to unload, load, then unload again my children or any of my other crap! But alas, you had the nerve to ask me anyway and I had to reply the only way I knew how: with my Mommy death look. I'm so glad you understood 'the look'. You must have a great mom.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rhyme Time
Big Brother and I have been working on rhyming words, especially while playing the Super Why game we bought him for his birthday. He hasn't really caught on yet even after I explain how the words sound alike. Well, maybe I should say I thought he hadn't caught on yet. While eating lunch yesterday, Big Brother was talking non-stop as usual and all of a sudden said with excitement, "Those words rhyme Mommy!"
"What words?" I asked.
"Turd and bird."
"Why, yes they do," I said.
I'm so proud...I think.
"What words?" I asked.
"Turd and bird."
"Why, yes they do," I said.
I'm so proud...I think.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Realization of the Day
If my boys one day grow up and fight over a girl the way they now fight over toys, we are all in serious trouble.
But if they do one day fight over a girl, I'm hoping that this high pitched squealing that spews out of their mouths now (that only a dog and a very irritated mom can hear) will not be part of that rumble. Believe me, it's not pretty.
But if they do one day fight over a girl, I'm hoping that this high pitched squealing that spews out of their mouths now (that only a dog and a very irritated mom can hear) will not be part of that rumble. Believe me, it's not pretty.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Oh Boy
My boys are little, but the testosterone is already rampant in this house and it makes me wonder how on earth I will ever make it as they grow older.
Now that Big Brother is four, he really thinks that he is big stuff. His new favorite thing is taking showers. He's had a few showers in the past, but loves his bath time. Since his birthday though, he has been addicted to the shower. Every night he tells us, "I can start the shower by myself. I'm four."
The other night, he turned the water on and got into the shower all by himself. I was about to help him wash his hair when he told me, "Daddy says I can pee in here. See?" Then he proceeded to pee in the shower.
I'm really hoping that as the boys get older, they won't share with me the things that Daddy tells them. I'm sure I won't even want to know. If it's a guy thing, it needs to stay between the guys.
Now that Big Brother is four, he really thinks that he is big stuff. His new favorite thing is taking showers. He's had a few showers in the past, but loves his bath time. Since his birthday though, he has been addicted to the shower. Every night he tells us, "I can start the shower by myself. I'm four."
The other night, he turned the water on and got into the shower all by himself. I was about to help him wash his hair when he told me, "Daddy says I can pee in here. See?" Then he proceeded to pee in the shower.
I'm really hoping that as the boys get older, they won't share with me the things that Daddy tells them. I'm sure I won't even want to know. If it's a guy thing, it needs to stay between the guys.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Five Quote Friday
"Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other."
-Erma Bombeck
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
-Bill Cosby
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."
-Henry David Thoreau
"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."
-Anna Quindlen
"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed."
-Booker T. Washington
-Erma Bombeck
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
-Bill Cosby
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."
-Henry David Thoreau
"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."
-Anna Quindlen
"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed."
-Booker T. Washington
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Snip Snip
I'm sitting here, staring at my three remaining pills, wishing I never would have taken a one of them. I'm still tired, exhausted and still entertaining Aunt Flow.
I told my husband again this morning that I'm not taking these last three pills. He said good for me and wishes I wouldn't have even taken the one I took yesterday. Then he made me cry. Well, he didn't make me cry. My crazy hormones made me cry when he mentioned if I would look up a number for a urologist, he would call and make an appointment. Of course the thought of the big snip snip made the crazy woman cry!
I say I am through having kids. My husband says he is through having kids since he has four under his belt. I love my boys and really don't know what I would do with another one, but there is a part of me that wonders about having just one more.
We have no room for one more kid in this house, but my parents didn't have any room for me in their house after two big brothers and we made it just fine. I'm not sure if I want anymore kids, but the thought of not being able to have another one because of a procedure just makes me sad.
I told my husband again this morning that I'm not taking these last three pills. He said good for me and wishes I wouldn't have even taken the one I took yesterday. Then he made me cry. Well, he didn't make me cry. My crazy hormones made me cry when he mentioned if I would look up a number for a urologist, he would call and make an appointment. Of course the thought of the big snip snip made the crazy woman cry!
I say I am through having kids. My husband says he is through having kids since he has four under his belt. I love my boys and really don't know what I would do with another one, but there is a part of me that wonders about having just one more.
We have no room for one more kid in this house, but my parents didn't have any room for me in their house after two big brothers and we made it just fine. I'm not sure if I want anymore kids, but the thought of not being able to have another one because of a procedure just makes me sad.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Am I Crazy
I don't like taking medicine for anything, even a headache. I try to grin and bear it through just about everything unless I just can't take it anymore. (Just a side note that will already make me sound like a liar: I do love me some NyQuil when I have a serious cold!)
I just started a new pack of birth control pills last month after breastfeeding for a year. It just so happened that I started the pack the day after we returned from vacation. That week, I was completely exhausted and thought it had to be jet lag (truck lag in our case) from vacation.
I felt a little better by the second week, but by the third week into the pack, I was completely exhausted again. I would even nap with the boys during the day. I was beginning to wonder if I was pregnant since I was so tired. Finally, my lovely Aunt Flow came to visit last Tuesday and has yet to leave. Eight days of mega mood! I have been crying at everything! I've cried over the Cars movie. I burst into tears when I thought Baby Jaws had pooped his diaper for the fifth time in one day. I cry when my husband looks at me. I feel like a complete nut job!
After waking up this morning and feeling like I hadn't slept in two weeks, I had had enough and called my doctor to complain. The nurse told me to try to finish the pack and see if it got better. Duh, ok. Then I did what I do best; I got online and googled my pill after waking from yet another two hour nap.
Oh, the crap I found about my pill! This pill has made many, many women feel crazy, moody, depressed, exhausted and the list goes on. Of course I read the list of side effects when I first started the pills, but never thought it would be this extreme.
I'm crabby by nature, but this has made me insanely crabby (just ask my husband) for the past month. I told him today I'm not taking another one of these pills. He said that was fine with him. So, tomorrow my favorite OB/GYN will be getting another call from me. I'm going on a pill strike unless there is one that doesn't make me feel like a crazy crab. I don't like pills. I truly believe a lot of medicine does more harm than good, but that's just me. It especially does more harm when it's jacking with my hormones.
So tomorrow is a new day. A new pill-free day. Hopefully, I'll find a pill that works. If not, we'll just take our chances. I feel better at 9 months pregnant than I have felt for the past month and feel like a big dummy for not listening to my body.
I just started a new pack of birth control pills last month after breastfeeding for a year. It just so happened that I started the pack the day after we returned from vacation. That week, I was completely exhausted and thought it had to be jet lag (truck lag in our case) from vacation.
I felt a little better by the second week, but by the third week into the pack, I was completely exhausted again. I would even nap with the boys during the day. I was beginning to wonder if I was pregnant since I was so tired. Finally, my lovely Aunt Flow came to visit last Tuesday and has yet to leave. Eight days of mega mood! I have been crying at everything! I've cried over the Cars movie. I burst into tears when I thought Baby Jaws had pooped his diaper for the fifth time in one day. I cry when my husband looks at me. I feel like a complete nut job!
After waking up this morning and feeling like I hadn't slept in two weeks, I had had enough and called my doctor to complain. The nurse told me to try to finish the pack and see if it got better. Duh, ok. Then I did what I do best; I got online and googled my pill after waking from yet another two hour nap.
Oh, the crap I found about my pill! This pill has made many, many women feel crazy, moody, depressed, exhausted and the list goes on. Of course I read the list of side effects when I first started the pills, but never thought it would be this extreme.
I'm crabby by nature, but this has made me insanely crabby (just ask my husband) for the past month. I told him today I'm not taking another one of these pills. He said that was fine with him. So, tomorrow my favorite OB/GYN will be getting another call from me. I'm going on a pill strike unless there is one that doesn't make me feel like a crazy crab. I don't like pills. I truly believe a lot of medicine does more harm than good, but that's just me. It especially does more harm when it's jacking with my hormones.
So tomorrow is a new day. A new pill-free day. Hopefully, I'll find a pill that works. If not, we'll just take our chances. I feel better at 9 months pregnant than I have felt for the past month and feel like a big dummy for not listening to my body.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Stop Yelling at Me
My husband never yells. I'm the one who yells in this family. But tonight I heard him yelling, "Use a little elbow grease!" I thought, why on earth is he yelling that? And is he yelling that at me? I'm in the bathroom. I'm not in the kitchen cleaning up pots and pans like June Cleaver. He can't be yelling at me.
A few minutes later I heard him yelling, "Backstage pass!" I finally realized he was yelling at the tv, more specifically Wheel of Fortune.
I was a bit confused because on a normal night he would have yelled, "Use a little elbow grease you moron!" I guess he was trying to be nice tonight. I wish he would have added the 'moron' tonight then I would have immediately known he was yelling at a clueless contestant instead of thinking he was yelling strange demands at me.
A few minutes later I heard him yelling, "Backstage pass!" I finally realized he was yelling at the tv, more specifically Wheel of Fortune.
I was a bit confused because on a normal night he would have yelled, "Use a little elbow grease you moron!" I guess he was trying to be nice tonight. I wish he would have added the 'moron' tonight then I would have immediately known he was yelling at a clueless contestant instead of thinking he was yelling strange demands at me.
Monday, August 3, 2009
So maybe I'm a little too old to be saying 'Woot'. My nieces are always posting it on their Facebook page. They're young. They can get away with it. But today, I'm saying 'Woot'!
Baby Jaws (my just turned 14 month old last week) who has been scooting (never once crawling) on his butt (he's really fast) for the past few months, finally took his first step today. Woot!
This is a photo of him in mid-scoot as he puts his right hand down, lifts his leg and plops his butt back down as fast as he can go. The funny thing is Big Brother used to get around the exact same way.
I'm so glad Baby Jaws has finally realized he can move his feet without holding onto anything. I will miss the little scoot when he finally gives it up for good. I won't miss the dirty right leg that I have to clean every time we go visit someone with dirty carpet. I won't miss the little scratches he gets on his right leg from scooting in the driveway (nothing stops him). I won't miss the dirt he scoops up in his diaper while scooting around the yard. But I will miss that little scoot.
But my baby took his first step today! Woot!
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