Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am in awe. I was talking to Hubs tonight as he sat at the computer signing onto Facebook. Then I saw it. I saw photos on his page of a stockpile of stuff that someone had posted. I saw the word 'coupon'. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I was so excited!

I asked, almost yelling, "Who is that?"

Hubs told me it was a friend from high school.

Are you kidding me? I thought I was the only coupon-obsessed person on earth that Hubs knows. But, no. There is another woman. Another woman I would love to go shopping with.

Oh my gosh! If you could see these photos! Then I saw the caption under the first photo that said she had bought over 8,000 items in the past year. Eight thousand! She had everything organized on shelves in her garage. There was shampoo, lotion, candles, toothpaste, deodorant and hundreds of other things she was saving for a giant garage sale. I was amazed.

I told Hubs that he needed to send her a message about how his wife is obsessed with coupons, but clearly not obsessed enough. I told him I want her to be my Facebook friend. I want to meet her. I want her to be my shopping buddy. I want her to teach me how to coupon even better. So he clicked on 'compose a message', entered her name and asked, "What do you want to ask her?"

And then I felt a bit stalker-ish, but maybe one day.

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