Friday, February 19, 2010

Adventures In a Chimney-ectomy

This blog post cracks me up. It's from a blog written by a friend of a friend, which brings me to my own adventures in a chimney-ectomy. We had our chimney taken out yesterday by some Amish guys, who are just awesome at what they do. Today they are finishing our new front porch.

This is what a sledge hammer looks like coming through my roof.
This is what our yard looked like approximately 5 minutes after they arrived. Chimney was coming down and chimney was coming down fast! Hubs cracked me up too. He was standing outside talking with the boss and said he saw one Amish guy climb up onto our roof. Then a second Amish guy climbed up onto our roof. About a minute later, chimney bricks were falling from the sky. They wasted no time! Notice our 2 1/2 week old snowman is still standing. Leaning with a hole in his head, but standing.
Though it would have made for a funnier post if they would have chased a snake, played football, slept in a hammock or brought along two microwaves for lunch, I'm thankful they didn't. These guys were awesome! We're very glad the chimney is gone! Our porch looks awesome!

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