Friday, December 18, 2009

Put That Back

Baby Jaws has tried to be quite the little thief the past couple of days. He's not a very good one though because each time, he was caught.

(I got really good deals yesterday. I'll have to post about them later.)


Yesterday at CVS, I thankfully found a car cart for the boys. This store only has one cart with two steering wheels-what were they thinking? As I was paying for my deals Big Brother started yelling, "He's putting candy in the cart!"

This car cart has the car underneath the basket so I wasn't paying much attention. As long as they stay in it and aren't screaming, I really don't care. But sure enough, Baby Jaws a.k.a. my little shoplifter, had a pile of Hershey bars under his feet and a couple in each hand. I would have been beyond embarrassed if Big Brother hadn't told me and we had set the door alarm off as we were leaving.

Today, Baby Jaws and I ran into Dollar Tree so I could pick up a couple of gift bags. As I pushed him through the store in the cart, he grabbed everything he could reach. Dollar Tree doesn't have the widest aisles. I lost track of how many things I put back on the shelves. But Baby Jaws saved his best for last.

As we were standing in line to checkout while I wasn't looking, he reached over to the display by the register and grabbed a pregnancy test. All the women behind me were laughing. I took it, put it back and told him, "I really don't think Mommy needs one of those today," which made all of the women behind me laugh even harder.

I had to tell my husband the funny pee stick story. He didn't find it as funny as I did. I think his exact words were, "You'd better not need one of those things!"

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