Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This morning...
I needed to go to the store, but at the same time I didn't want to go.

2 boys + me trying to use my coupons usually = a huge pain in the butt

When I mentioned that I needed to go to the store, Big Brother jumped right in, "I want to go to the store!"

I asked, "Will you be good if we go to the store?"

Without blinking an eye, he answered, "No."

At the store...
As we were walking down the aisles, he was being his normal little self and pretending to shoot deer. So every few steps I heard, "Pow! Pow!" as he punched his arm out to shoot. This was all fine and dandy while he was shooting deer. But as we turned a corner and he pretended to shoot at an old lady with the loud "Pow!", arm action and an "I shot her!", we were both met with a dirty look. Little boys don't listen when you tell them to stop while you're laughing at them, so he reloaded and kept on shooting.

After checking out...
Big Brother had to pee. Baby Jaws and I waited outside the bathroom for him. As he came out, he said in his loud little voice for all to hear, "Someone clogged it up in there! Someone didn't flush! There were turds in there! I went in another one to pee."

Thanks for sharing.

Sometimes it is embarrassing, sometimes down right funny, but Big Brother, I do appreciate your honesty.

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