Thursday, December 17, 2009

Boy Talk

More often than not, whatever comes out of Big Brother's mouth cracks me up. Today was no different. As we were driving down the road he asked, "Why did they have to build vacation so far away? They should have built it around here."

He's really wanting to go back to the beach and made a good point. I'd love it if vacation were closer too. Then we could go more often.

Then he told me, "Mommy, you're growing up. When you grow up all the way, you'll be taller than Daddy."

I love his logic.

A little while later he asked, "Mommy, when will I be 35?"

I answered, "Not for a really long time."

Then he said, "When I'm 35, I'll be really old."

Yeah, thanks buddy. I'm already there.

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