Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Franks and Beans

There are too many reasons for me to list why I'm glad I'm not a man. I would kill to be able to pee standing up whenever and wherever, but other than that, I don't envy them.

Big Brother had his first little 'man moment' tonight that he is wishing would've never happened. The poor little guy came in the front door crying as I overheard my husband say "franks and beans."

I knew what that meant. Anyone who has seen There's Something About Mary knows what that meant:

When Ted gets himself stuck in the zippers
Charlie Jensen : "Is it the frank or the beans?"
Ted : "I don't know, both I guess."
Warren : [ from outside ] "Franks and Beans! Franks and Beans!"

Seriously, I don't know how they walk around with those things.

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