Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I know I'm probably not the first mom who has uttered the words, "I can't wait until you can wipe your own butt."

Big Brother's time has finally arrived. His 4th birthday is next week. He's starting preschool next month. I've been warning him for a few weeks now that he needs to practice the butt swipe by himself, which he has been doing. The past few days, he's been shutting me out of the bathroom completely, not even letting me do a quick double check to make sure he's clean. He slams the door in my face if I even come near yelling, "I can do it! I can do it!"

Truth be told, he has been doing a good job...until today.

My day actually began with poop as I found Baby Jaws in his crib scooting around leaving little brown spots all over his sheets. Yeah, more laundry! Fast forward to afternoon nap time where I found Baby Jaws once again scooting around leaving little brown spots all over his sheets. Yeah, more laundry again! Two diaper explosions in one day did deter me a little, but didn't bother me nearly as bad as Big Brother's poop situation.

After sitting behind the closed door of the bathroom, not reading a book for once, Big Brother told me he was finished and that he wanted to take care of things himself. I was ecstatic. 'Go for it! You've been doing awesome! One less butt that I have to wipe!'

I may have one less butt to wipe, but as I walked into the bathroom a few minutes later, I found a sink I had to wipe. I'm not sure exactly how this all went down, but there was poop smeared on the sink in more than one spot. I called Big Brother back into the bathroom, explained to him how disgusting that was and if he ever gets poop on anything again to please let me know. I will give him some hygiene credit for great hand washing though. Not a spot of poop on either, although I made him wash a second time to be safe. So much for thinking potty training was over. Now we must get through the butt wiping training.

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