Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Big Brother

Happy Birthday to my little man! Mommy loves you and cannot believe you are already a four year old. You've come a long way from that tiny little 5lb 13oz baby that came into the world screaming at the top of your lungs. That is one thing that hasn't changed in four years; you still have a good set of lungs.

You are the cutest, sweetest, wildest, orneriest little guy I think I've ever known. You are ALL boy ALL the time and I love you for that.

I love you even though you decided last night, on your birthday eve, to squeeze your Spongebob toothpaste into the toilet for no apparent reason. Daddy found what looked like little blue slugs and asked why the Spongebob toothpaste was in the toilet. I jumped up in a rage because I thought the entire tube of toothpaste was in the toilet. After last week and two rolls of toilet paper ending up in the toilet, your little butt was safe when I also realized it was just little blue slugs. I don't know why boys do the things they do. I've learned to not even bother to try to understand.

I love you even though you woke me up this morning at 6:15, jumping on the bed and saying, "It's my birthday! I'm so excited! I'm four old years!" Baby Jaws and Big Sisters love you even though you woke them up about five minutes later. You were so sweet announcing to everyone that today is your day.

Daddy loves you even though you cheated at mini golf today and he let you believe that you won. That may have been difficult for Daddy since he thinks he's the Tiger Woods of putt putt. (Yes, I saw your hole in one Tiger.)

We love you Big Brother! I hope you've had your best birthday yet. Mommy doesn't always like to watch you growing up so fast right before my eyes, but loves watching the little man you are growing up to be.

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