Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Missing the Target

I guess it was dumb of me to think this stage was over.

Big Brother has been "missing the target" for the last few days. He used to miss every time he used the bathroom. But as he grew older and had more practice, he became a pro; that is, up until the last few days. What has happened to my little sharp shooter?

I've been walking in on little puddles on the toilet. Pee has been sprayed all over the floor and side of the sink that looks like we have a lawn sprinkler hooked up in there. After yet another surprise yesterday, I texted my husband and told him he needed to show Big Brother how to handle himself all over again because his aim is way off.

Tonight, Big Brother ran to pee before jumping into the tub. As my husband was washing his hair, I walked into the bathroom to see pee sprayed all over the floor again. I got onto Big Brother for making another big mess for me to clean up. Then I saw it. Was that pee in the trash can? I picked up the trash bag to find it FULL of pee. I then yelled at both my guys. I got onto Big Brother again for peeing in the trash and yelled at my husband, "Didn't you just watch him pee before he got in the tub?! Was he not even in front of the toilet?!"

Big Brother WAS standing in front of the toilet when he peed. Don't ask me how it all went into the trash can from there. I'm not a male (you have no idea how thankful I am for that). I don't understand the science of aiming at one thing and hitting another. Truthfully, I don't really care. I just want the pee to go where it belongs. Maybe tomorrow I won't have to throw away a bag of pee that I could have just as easily flushed.

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