Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nothing But Love For My OB/GYN

I love a lot of people. I love my husband, my kids, my family and my friends. And I love my OB/GYN! I had my yearly ride in the stirrups today. Just imagine the Village People singing YMCA. Well, all morning long I was singing, "Can't wait to go to the O-B-G-Y-N!"

I love her! I've missed her. I haven't seen her in a year since I went back for my 6 week checkup after having Baby Jaws. She is the most awesome doctor in the world! I really liked my OB/GYN with Big Brother. When I found out I was pregnant with Baby Jaws, I switched hospitals and had to find a new doctor. I was terrified of who I would end up with. But I ended up with the best. She's funny, caring, and just great at what she does. She calmed me down in labor and delivery and stayed right by my side. I love her! Don't tell my husband (maybe he won't read today's post) but I would love to get pregnant again just so I can see her more often.

As much as I love my OB/GYN, I could never do what she does. I closed my eyes in childbirth class when they showed the birthing video. I know there are moms out there who view their child's birth each year on their birthdays just to reminisce about the pain-um, I mean, joy of that special day. That completely disgusts me. My husband thinks it's the coolest thing in the world to see little people popping out of my body. I can live without it. They asked if I wanted to see the births of my two boys with mirrors. Uh, no thanks. If I have to have a mirror to see it, then that's probably why God put mine down there to begin with, so I wouldn't have to look at it.

So my hat's off to you my awesome OB/GYN. Or maybe I should say my pants are off to you! Until next year...or if I can just get pregnant again.

(Note to self: don't let my husband read today's post about wanting to get pregnant again. If he reads this, he and his fear of 5 kids won't even want to sit too closely to me.)

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