Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vacation Fun

We finally arrived in Gulf Shores today on our vacation. I decided before we left that I would keep track of random quotes that came out of every one's mouths on the drive down. Here's what I heard.

My Husband's Quotes
"Is that a pooping llama?"
"We're eating dots like PacMan here."
"What's that guy doing? Peeing?"
"Look at that pig and that chicken dancing."

My Quotes
"Is that dude wearing a bra?"
"Look at all the bushes in the bleachers."
"Crap! There's sand in his armpits!"
"Get off of that! It has puke on it!"

Big Brother's Quotes
"Do you know where you're driving Daddy?"
"I stunk it up in Arkansas."
"My butt hurts."
"I'm gonna get some ketchup." -said at Taco Bell
"Daddy knows everything."
"Look at my fart."

It was a long drive.

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