Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Tulips are Gone

I'm so glad I photographed them yesterday because that's all I have left. I'm very ticked off that someone stole most of my tulips. I'm sure it was one of the kids my neighbor babysits and I've already told her how ticked off I am. She told me there were two girls eying them all week. We'll see if anyone owns up to it after school. I highly doubt it.

I know they're just flowers. But they're my favorite flowers on my property and I look forward to them each spring. I can't imagine stealing someone's flowers. I can't even imagine my child stealing someone's flowers without me ripping into him, making him take them back and apologize. But that's just me. I get ticked off over stolen flowers and make my child be responsible for his actions. What a horrible woman I am!

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