Thursday, April 8, 2010


My dog Dexter died yesterday and it sucks. He was 12 years old and the best dog in the world. It's really sad for me because I've had him so long. He was my baby before I had babies. It's like he's the only thing I had left from my life pre-college graduation, pre-marriage, pre-kids. I spent so much time with Dexter. He was so fun and so smart.

Then I graduated from college. Then I moved and Dexter went to live with my parents. I still visited him a lot. I missed him. Then I got married. I still visited him a lot. Then I had kids. I still saw him every time we visited, but I spent most of my time chasing my kids and not as much time with him.

That's what sucks the most. I would tell Dexter every time we left that I'd play with him more the next time. I just saw him a week ago Monday and he was fine. I loved on him and let him lick my face and told him I would play with him more next time. It sucks there won't be a next time.

I love you and I'll miss you Dexter.

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