Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Of Moons and Boobs

We had spaghetti for dinner tonight. I always make the boys put on their spaghetti-eating-shirts when we have it so that they don't stain their good shirts. Since Baby Jaws has been on a naked kick ("nay-nay" as he says) and runs around in nothing but a Pull-Up all day, Big Brother decided he would eat in nothing but his underwear. So we were eating dinner when I looked over and saw Big Brother's bare butt in the chair. He pulled his underwear up pretty quickly when I told him I was on my way to spank his little moon.

Later, Big Brother was taking a bath and I was helping him wash his hair. He reached down and touched his nipple, laughed and said, "I just touched my boob!"

I said, "Well, it's ok if you touch your boob."

I know for a fact that it was his Daddy's genes shining through when he said, "You have big ones!"

I laughed so hard that I could not breathe, then told Hubs that Big Brother was definitely his child.

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