Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Today was Big Brother's first day of kindergarten. He met his teacher Monday night and got to visit his classroom. So this morning, he was excited and ready to go. I, on the other hand, was not so ready. Don't get me wrong, I am excited for him and am so glad he loves school, but it makes me sad how fast he is growing up right before my eyes. It seems like only yesterday he was just learning to walk.

I packed his lunch, set out his backpack and rest mat and he was off. I took pictures of him before we left school, on the way to school and even more when we got there. When we got to his classroom, I took a picture of him with his teacher and he was pretty much done. He was ready to get to work. He walked to his table, sat down and started coloring the picture at his seat. I took a few more pictures and finally let him be the big boy that he now is. He was ready for me to leave so he could do his own thing. I was happy as I left seeing how happy he was. I thought to myself, I'm not going to cry this time. But by the time I got to the truck, I was crying because my little boy isn't so little anymore. When did he get big enough to go to kindergarten?

I just knew he would have a fun day. He had been looking forward to riding the school bus home and was all smiles as he stepped off. He loves kindergarten and I love my kindergartener.
"Day by day, nothing seems to change. But pretty soon, everything is different."
-Bill Watterson

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