Friday, March 19, 2010

Wanna Pee in My Ear?

I have an earache and it sucks. I'm just going to grin and bear it for awhile to see if it gets better. In the meantime, I decided to Google remedies for an earache. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon "fresh urine". That's right. Here's the even bigger surprise. More than one person has tried it. Wait, it gets better. More than one person that has tried it swears that it works better than any other remedy, including antibiotics.

You're supposed to pee in a cup (which I am a pro at, having been pregnant twice and you know they make you pee in a cup every freakin time you visit your OB), take out about a teaspoon and drop that fresh urine right into your aching ear. It's nice and warm and full of antibodies. Doesn't that sound comforting?

To those of you who have done this and been successful, more power to you. I myself am not that desperate...yet. I did, however, find it both hilarious and disgusting and posed the question to the fam, "Who wants to pee in my ear?" You'll never guess who wants to pee into my ear. Hubs and Big Brother, of course. They see it as a challenge.

I know what they're imagining. They are imagining themselves at the county fair. Yeah, you know the game. My ear is the clown's mouth ( the one you squirt water into until the balloon pops). They stand back a few feet, aim themselves and fire into my ear. I know this is what they are envisioning. I know them all too well. No thanks boys.

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