Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Circus is in Town

We went to the circus over the weekend. I knew it would be too much for two little guys, but I didn't know just how much. Let me just add that my boys are doers and not watchers. They would much rather build a 15 ft. train track in their room than watch anything on tv, for which I am very thankful. But I thought they would enjoy the circus. I mean, it's the circus.

We saw tigers walking on tightropes.
We saw a hot chick (Hub's exact words) shoot her bow with her feet while bent over backward to pop a balloon. I got a kick out of it since it took her two tries. Hubs wishes I was this good with my bow.
We saw motorcycles, with more hot chicks dangling below and doing acrobatics, flying at us directly overhead.
We saw elephants doing the bunny hop.
And this is as excited as he got.
And this is as excited as he got.

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