Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weight Watcher or Big Loser?

I love watching The Biggest Loser and am really missing it since the last season is now over. I really need to get in shape myself and attempt to from time to time, only to find myself eating a bowl of popcorn while watching Jillian and Bob yell and curse at all the contestants. I thought of all this today as I was in the checkout line at Target.

Baby Jaw's birthday is this week and I bought some Oreos to use for his race track cake that I'm baking for him. I needed enough Oreos to crush to use for the track itself and extras to use as miniature tires, so I picked up a couple of bags of regular Oreos and one bag of the minis.

Earlier, while glancing through the magazine aisle, I noticed one by Weight Watchers. Since I do attempt to get into shape from time to time, I threw it in the cart thinking maybe if I read it, it will motivate my big popcorn loving butt.

I'm sure the girl at the checkout also thought I needed a little motivation while ringing up my Weight Watcher magazine and my pile of 5,840 calories. I looked like a big loser and yeah, the look she gave me was priceless.

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