Friday, May 22, 2009

We Need Some of These

It all started when I couldn't find the Desitin.

We were at Walmart for the 87th time this month and I was searching for some diaper doo for Baby Jaw's butt. There has always been a small baby section near the health/beauty/medicine sections. Last night, it was no where to be found.

The baby section may have been gone, but I kept looking. I was on a mission. And yes, I was too tired and too lazy to walk to the back of the store to the real baby section. My 3 year old walked the aisles with me, talking constantly to himself and whoever else may be listening. He would pick an item up, inspect it, talk to it and place it back on the shelf. A few minutes later, I noticed he was still carrying around a box, telling whoever would listen that "we need some of these." Always in mommy mode, I didn't notice what he had been carrying around until I took the box away from him to place it back onto the shelf.

I laughed and said, "Are you kidding me child?" as I took away from him a big box of condoms.

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