Friday, February 4, 2011

10 Snow Day Observations

  1. If a mom is busy enough, a 2 year old can and will get his booger sucker (bulb syringe) and suck out his own snot.
  2. It doesn't matter that we have 4 trillion Legos in our house. They always fight over one.
  3. It takes approximately 10 times longer to get dressed in snow suits, hats, gloves, boots and coats than it does to actually play in the snow.
  4. Once outside in the snow, a 5 year old will immediately need to pee.
  5. We could live in Antarctica and Big Brother would still want to play outside all day and Baby Jaws would still never wear socks.
  6. If I want my Netflix movie, I have to walk to the street to meet our mail carrier because some Einstein on a tractor shoved huge piles of snow against our mailbox. Got my movie.
  7. Birds are awesome.
  8. Baby Jaws does not enjoy being face down in deep snow while his loving mother takes pictures for posterity.
  9. Little turd got me back though when he wanted to take a bath after we came in and proceeded to shovel a good gallon of water onto the floor with a sandbox shovel while I cleaned up the dripping snow suits, hats, gloves, boots and coats.
  10. Sandbox toys should be left in the sandbox.

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