Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thanks Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz and Nike gave away 2011 free pairs of Nikes to kick off Dr. Oz's 11 weeks to Move It and Lose It. I had read on so many blogs about the giveaway. It began at 3 pm EST. In order to win, you had to be one of the first 2011 people to fill out the information. This info had been posted on a buttload of blogs, Facebook and who knows where else. So I sat at my computer a few minutes before it was to start and waited.

The form finally came up. I hit the submit button and got an error message. Yeah, because how many thousands of people were trying to submit the same info. I kept trying to refresh to get back to the form page and kept getting error messages. The same error message all the thousands of others were getting. I sat at the computer for about 15 minutes irritated and ready to forget about it when the form page came back up.

I thought filling it out again would be a big waste of time, but this time when I hit submit, I got a thank you message. I still wasn't sure if I'd get a free pair of Nikes, but at least I got in. After the contest, people were ticked off all over blogs and Facebook because of all of the error messages. And so many people didn't get in.

That gave me a good feeling, but I still wasn't sure I had won anything. About 1 1/2-2 weeks later, I saw a post on a blog I follow that a reader had finally received an email about the free shoes. Still not having my hopes up, I checked my email and sure enough, my email from Nike and Dr. Oz was there! I was so excited!

I went online to the Nike store and picked out the shoes I wanted from the selections they were offering. Five days later, the UPS man brought my new Nikes.
I love them! They are so comfy! I haven't worn Nikes in years because they always hurt my feet. I should know. I worked at a shoe store through college; I tried on plenty of them. But these are awesome! And orange is my favorite color!

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