I'm behind, which is nothing new for me. But since summer is here, I'm really behind. I feel a little guilty about not posting daily on my blogs. I love to write and it was a nice goal for me to have-this blogging every day.
I'm not going to sweat it anymore though. I'm spending more time with my boys and that's all that matters. We've had the best time this past week. We went to the nature center one day last week. They got to go to bible school with Pa and Gran. They got to go swimming with their cousin. Saturday, we had a BBQ and fireworks at PaPa and Mamaw's house. Sunday, we did more fireworks at our house. Yesterday, we all loaded up and went to the zoo, including Daddy.
I'm going to enjoy the rest of my summer with my sweet little guys. I'm not going to worry anymore about what I have or haven't posted. I'm going to relax like my little monkey friend here, but not before I share some zoo photos.
That's the life!

Big Brother was very impressed that Kevin from UP strolled by us.

Baby Jaws is my little animal lover so he got along great with the goats. It cracked me up that the goats kept cracking him up!

I can't believe that Big Brother actually touched the snake. He was quite brave!

So for the rest of the summer, I'm going to have fun like these little guys. I just wish I had the energy of an otter or of my boys for that matter.