Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mommy's Sad Week of Milestones

I've been a mess this week. My boys seem to be growing up overnight and it makes me sad to think about it. Big Brother's last day of preschool was today. I cried about it last night. I cried about it this morning. I cried about it after I picked him up after school, especially after reading the little poem with his little painted hand prints on it. Thank you Mrs. J. for making me cry even more.

Although he's no longer a preschooler, Big Brother did put a big smile on my face today. He was extremely good today. When I told him how proud I was of him for being such a good boy today, he replied, "Well that's what kindergarteners do." If being out of preschool is the cause of his good behavior, I can handle him growing up a little more.

My baby is also making me a mess of a mom this week. Baby Jaws will be 2 this Saturday. I can't believe the sweet little guy he's grown into. It's amazing what he's accomplished this past year. This time last year, he wasn't even walking yet. Now, he is on the move constantly. He is turning into a little boy. He has the most fun personality and always has a smile for me. I just can't believe he will be 2.

This week of milestones is making me more sentimental than usual. Like I said, I've been a mess when I stop and think about it. Thankfully, with these two boys, I don't have much time to stop and think about it. Thankfully, they keep me having fun.

But this mommy is sad this week that my babies are growing up so fast. I now have a kindergartener and a 2 year old. Where did the time go?

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